April 1, 2022

7 UX tricks to skyrocket sales

What do you do to drive sales?

Promotional offers? More marketing? Bigger campaigns?

Have you ever tried tinkering with the design as a strategy?

Good user experience (UX) can make a massive impact on sales.

If you have a goal in mind, design can drive people there.

What is UX?

It’s important to say user interface (UI) is not the same as UX.

UI is all about how users are able to interact with software, product, websites, apps, or machines.

UX is the experience people have when interacting with software, product, websites, apps, or machines.

It’s about designing for the audience’s needs. A UX designer will analyse how people use products to create a better experience.

So how do you take advantage of UX to drive your sales?

We’ve rounded up 7 of the best principles to follow if you want to jump your conversions.

1. Use videos on landing pages

A landing page is a standalone page used to promote and sell a product.

They have one goal - to get you to click on the call-to-action.

Landing pages can be very long. With the rise of short attention spans - are potential leads really going to read that whole wall of text?

This is the perfect opportunity to introduce video.

They can increase conversions by up to 86%, according to a study from Eye View Digital.

People typically respond better to visuals as it requires lower effort to consume and increases engagement. It can also show rather than tell, and visitors can imagine themselves more vividly in the proposition you’re putting out.

2. Be careful where you place your call to action

When someone presses your call to action (CTA) button, that’s another goal achieved.

But where you place these buttons can have a massive impact.

If they are in hard to see places, then it makes sense that they are less likely to be pressed.

Make it easy for your visitors to see them.

“The fold” is a UX phrase that refers to the bottom of the screen before the user has to scroll to continue reading.

Anything above the fold is seen more than content below a fold.

Put your CTA above the fold.

This is a sure-fire way to increase sales that requires little effort.

3. Choose an appropriate colour for your call to action

Your choice of colour can impact whether someone will press on your CTA.

They can invoke different emotions which in turn influences people’s actions.

The key is choosing something that stands out. Something that catches your eye and is easy to see.

An easy way to achieve this is to contrast the font with the background colour.

There have been numerous studies on which colours perform better, but results have been inconsistent. Therefore, rather than worrying about colour, focus on contrast.

It will pop on the page and get people clicking.

4. Make your font size easy to read

Did you know that a study found there’s an optimal font size to bolster conversion?

It makes sense. Reading text requires mental effort. Any way you can reduce this effort increases engagement.

Larger fonts are typically easier and faster to read.

This increases the likelihood of your converting sales copy being read.

Font size 18 was found to be optimal for readability and comprehension according to research from Carnegie Mellon University and Spain’s Universitat Pompeu Fabra.

It’s recommended not to go over size 22 however, as it was found to have a decrease in subjective readability.

5. Use FOMO signals

Using fear of missing out (FOMO) signals can be a technique used where you instil a sense of urgency into the reader.

For example, a common example used by some companies on their product page includes a pop-up message saying, “someone bought this recently”.

Using this exact method can be a bit wearisome for customers and it can be better to try something a bit more subtle.

Examples such as, “Only 3 left in stock”, can be a bit more effective.

However, it depends on the product and the consumer. Different people respond to different things, and it’s important to do your research and test to see what works.

6. Make your web interface scannable

Here you present the content and design elements into a layout that can be read an understood easily.

This is how people interact with content online.

79% of test users scan new pages they come across, according to research from Nielsen Norman Group.

There are a variety of patterns you can apply to web pages that have been shown how people scan content.

Some of these include:

  • F-shaped
  • Spotted
  • Layer cake

Improving the scanability makes a better user experience and greatly increases conversion.

7. Optimise for speed

The speed of your website has a massive effect on the conversion rate.

There have been numerous studies showing this.

47% of people expect a page to load in 2 seconds or less, according to research from skilled.co. The longer it takes, the higher the bounce rate.

But what can a UX designer do to influence this?

Make design decisions that make for a quick loading speed.

Don’t include too many videos, high-res images, or fancy elements. Whilst they look great they greatly impact the loading speed of your site, and in turn stunt the patience of visitors.

Choose just a few elements and test what works.

Don’t forget as well to compress images, they look the same but massively reduce loading time.

Trying to increase your sales is a continual work in progress.

It all boils down to testing and seeing what works.

Following these 7 tricks will get more people doing what you want them to do.

Trying to implement UX design can be tricky when you have a million and one other things to do.

Instead of struggling to get it all done, we can help. As specialists in design and technical knowledge we’ll get your conversions up if you contact us.

Just bring the vision, and we’ll deliver the goods.